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Fire Department Monuments

Totowa Fire Department Monument


In the mid 1960s, A committee was formed to design the Totowa Fire Department monument.  The members of the committee were representatives from each of the fire companies:


Frank E. Gloor, Chairman

Michael Panzella

William De Graff

Claude Kranik

William Dillon

Daniel Augustine

Lawrence Roome

Fred Ehlers

Russell Hartkopf

Robert Dowling, Fire Chief

Councilman Jack Whitney, Liaison from the Mayor and Council


    Early on, it was decided that a bell should be the focal point of the monument.  In the late 1960s, Carmen Ottilio, from Ottillio and Sons Contractors, donated a bell to serve that purpose.  The committee then met with Robert Woods from the Woods Monument Company. The committee and Mr. Woods drew several possible designs over the course of a couple of years.  In early 1972, Mayor Samuel Cherba and the Council members met with the monument committee to select a location for the monument.  It was decided to locate it on the Municipal Building property, close to Totowa Road. Once, the location was chosen,  a final decision was made for the design.


    On February 7, 1972, the monument was ordered. It is constructed of Canadian Pink Granite.It is 10 feet, 4 inches long, 6 feet high, and 4 feet deep. The top inscription reads: "Borough of Totowa Fire Department". The base inscription reads: "In memory of our Dedicated Firemen".  The monument is dedicated to those firefighters who have answered their last call and gone on to eternal rest, as well as retired firefighters, those who are presently serving, and to those that will serve in the future.


    The monument was delivered to the Municipal Building in mid May of 1972, after the concrete base for the foundation was put in by the Cooperative Concrete Corp.  It was dedicated on Monday May 29, 1972 at 1:00 PM.  The unveiling was done by the senior active members from each Fire Company:


Charles Fredrick Sr.  Volunteer Fire Company

Frank Gloor Sr. Lincoln Fire Company

Roy Paxton Riverview Park Fire Company

Lawrence Roome Fire Rescue Company


    After the unveiling, Fire Chief Robert Dowling, along with the oldest living exempt firefighters Sebastian Hubschmitt and Ralph Accadia, placed a wreath at the monument.  The Mayor and Council members,  as well as representatives from the Totowa Police Department and the Totowa First Aid Squad were also in attendance.  The Totowa Fire Department "Fire Bells" Color Guard also participated in the festivities.


Totowa Fire Department 9/11 Memorial

"In honor of all the men and women who lost their lives on that fateful day."


On Sunday, March 25, 2012, about 200 residents gathered in front of the Municipal Building to unveil and dedicate a granite and steel tribute to those who died in the terrorist attacks of 9/11/01. 


The memorial, designed and funded by the fire department, includes two stone towers approximately three feet high that symbolize thee World Trade Center's Twin Towers. Below those sits a burnt piece of an

I-beam that was taken from the wreckage of the WTC.


Among the many in attendance were members of the Totowa Fire Department and firefighters from surrounding towns. Speakers of the day included Totowa Fire Chief, Vincent Mariano, Fire Department President, Kevin Walsh, Totowa Mayor, John Coiro, and FDNY Firefighter, James Sorokac, who spoke about his experience on 9/11.


The ceremony, which included a detailed recounting of the events of 9/11, was an emotional one for many. 

You can visit our monuments at 537 Totowa Rd., Totowa, NJ 07512

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